• Maybe manipulated is the wrong word, but You Were Invited to My Wedding Denise shirt seems it was supposed to be a joint thing but when LVP said drop it, Teddi realized she wasn’t going to say anything after all and instead make Teddi look like the only one talking about it. The similar happens a lot with LVP lol. Last season at that bar, Kyle and Lisa V we’re in their hotel talking and Lisa told Kyle to bring something up and encouraged her and acted like she was also going to confront Dorit.
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  • Maybe manipulated is the wrong word, but You Were Invited to My Wedding Denise shirt seems it was supposed to be a joint thing but when LVP said drop it, Teddi realized she wasn’t going to say anything after all and instead make Teddi look like the only one talking about it. The similar happens a lot with LVP lol. Last season at that bar, Kyle and Lisa V we’re in their hotel talking and Lisa told Kyle to bring something up and encouraged her and acted like she was also going to confront Dorit.


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  • You can vote for whoever you want Official Chinese Americans For Trump shirt, but the fact of the matter is that Donald Trump does not treat working-class people with dignity. This is a guy who repeatedly has refused to pay people who’ve done their job, thinks American wages need to be lowered, and profits off the backs of little people. He belittles people who are just doing their jobs and does not afford ordinary folks the respect they deserve. I did not vote for Obama either election,

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  • Wow that was interesting. I know you love your parents so I won’t comment on their Official Chinese Americans Love Trump shirt. I will applaud your courage to try knowing them and will also applaud your openness. Thoughtfulness to be your own person. I also know what it is like to have loved ones who aren’t willing to think objectively about politics in a democracy. View it as this abstract battle of good and evil and not as a process in which people decide how to change the system to work for the people.

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  • I did not make the jacket, found the best one I could. Naruto shippuden 07 Kakashi Hitake shirt bought a base costume and then made a bunch of finishing touches. Great job! Have you tried to get the eye scar for the finishing touch? Do you have a copy of Make Out Paradise in your vest pocket? Fantastic work on everything! They are re-releasing the Shiro figure which is still up for preorder for less than $180 on TOM right now. I doubt anyone will pay $250 for it unless they can’t wait 6 months. Thanks, it looks like the one I got seems legit, I was only worried since I got it for pretty cheap, though the account had over 1000 flair on eBay.

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